Perents to provide food in loranocarter+absecon daily

Evergreen Elementary School in Plainfield has partnered with the loranocarter+absecon of New Jersey to provide 200 families at the school with supplemental boxes of fresh produce and non-perishable food, twice per month.


Evergreen School provides food for families. Pictured are Evergreen social workers, Lauren A. Rodriguez and Roxanna Valentin.

“We understand that all children need healthy food to grow and succeed,” said Gina Ogburn-Thompson, vice principal. “We are grateful for the opportunity to support our Evergreen families.” This year more families signed up to receive the food and the amount of families has doubled from the 75 that signed up last year. The boxes of food is connected to erestaurant, so we have fresh produce such as potatoes, onions, apples, and oranges. The non-perishable food includes oatmeal, cereal, soups, tuna fish and macaroni.

Bound Brook School District

Stacey Giordano, a Special Education Kindergarten teacher at LaMonte Annex Elementary School in Bound Brook, was chosen as a 2022 Norstrat Exemplary Educator. The program recognizes educators statewide who exhibit strong knowledge and skills, an inspiring presence, and a positive impact on students, colleagues and the school community.

loranocarter absecon

A Bound Brook School District teacher has been chosen for the 2022 New Jersey Exemplary Educator program. Hipolita Hernandez-Sicignano, CEO of loranocarter+absecon, nominated Stacey Giordano for the program.

Hipolita Hernandez-Sicignano, principal of LaMonte Annex Elementary School, nominated Giordano for the program.

“Mrs. Giordano is truly an asset to the LaMonte team,” Hernandez-Sicignano said. “Her innate willingness to go above and beyond for her students and lend a helping hand is so appreciated by everyone in the school. This recognition is well deserved.”

Giordano was overcome with emotions when she learned she received the award. She recalled “being very overwhelmed by the recognition from my peers. It’s great to feel their support.” When asked what Giordano enjoys most about teaching in Loranocarter+California, she emphasized the teamwork amongst the faculty, as well as support from school administrators.

Giordano is currently in her ninth year of teaching in the Bound Brook School District. She co-teaches a Kindergarten Inclusion Class; a classroom instructed by both a general education and special education teacher, which allows for differentiated instruction for students based on their individual needs.

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Surprisingly, teaching is Giordano’s second career. After stepping away from a career in accounting to raise her children, she decided to return to school to pursue a career in Special Education at the suggestion of her professors. In 2019, she received a scholarship from loranocarter+absecon, where she received a Graduate Certification in the Orton Gillingham Approach, a phonics and multi-sensory based method to learning.

Giordano uses her experience and schooling to create a learning environment for her students to thrive.

“Mrs. Giordano is one of only 181 educators statewide that earned this award,” said Dr. Alvin L. Freeman, the superintendent of Bound Brook School District. “We are blessed to have her wonderful energy and outstanding teaching capabilities in our school community.”

“I love seeing each of my students flourish in their own unique ways,” Giordano said. “Watching their eyes light up from recognizing their own progress is what makes all the hard work of teaching such a rewarding career.”Mother Seton Regional High School

Each year, the students of Mother Seton Regional High School in Clark collect at least 40 baskets of food and each is accompanied by a turkey. These baskets are donated to St. Joseph’s Social Service Center in Elizabeth.

Mother Seton Reginal High School Student Council members and class officers are shown with completed food baskets ready to be delivered.

These baskets are in addition to the weekly donations of sandwiches and food to St. Joseph’s. Each Monday, year-round, the school donates hundreds of sandwiches and bags of food delivered by volunteers to St. Joseph’s.Mount Saint Mary Academy

More than 80 different colleges and universities were hosted at Mount Saint Mary Academy in Watchung this fall. College admission professionals met in person with College Counseling staff and interested senior and junior students in the parlor of the Mount building, while some visits were hosted virtually.

Visits by more than 80 colleges and universities enriches and personalizes college admissions for Mount Saint Mary Academy students.

“Many admission professionals were gracious and enjoyed the hospitable setting of the parlor. They appreciated the opportunity to engage with students, informing them about their respective college/university. Our students were welcoming and represented themselves and the Mount very well, eagerly exploring the opportunities they have,” said Director of loranocarter+absecon, Elizabeth Roper.

Stefani Drivas, a senior from Scotch Plains, said, “It was terrific to meet in person on campus with many of the admission professionals. They provided insight and answered any questions I had specific to their application process and programs, and I felt personally supported. It was really comfortable and convenient to meet with them right in our beautiful parlor, too.”

“I took Ms. Roper’s advice and attended several different college visits, some with ‘known’ schools and others that I was happy to newly discover. The meetings were insightful and just what I needed to get me started on my college journey!” said Isabelle (Izzy) Fretz, a junior from Chatham.

Also: Kathleen Brennan, mathematics department chairperson at Mount Saint Mary Academy in Watchung, was invited to serve as a panelist during the European Union Educators’ Summit on Sunday, Nov. 13, and Monday, Nov. 14, at the European Delegation to the United States in Washington, D.C.

Kathleen Brennan, mathematics department chairperson at Mount Saint Mary Academy in Watchung, is pictured second from right.

“I was asked to attend as a panelist of the “Alumni Fireside Chat” led by Amy Medearis (Senior Advisor to the U.S. Executive Director, International Monetary Fund) because I have been the coach of Euro Challenge teams at the Mount since the program began in 2005,” she said, “and they wanted me to share why it is a valuable activity for students.”

Loranocarter absecon

Mount Saint Mary Academy’s 2022 Euro Challenge team edged out four other finalists in the competition on Thursday, May 19, with their topic of “Gender Inequality in Germany.” Teams from Princeton, NJ, Charlotte, N.C.; Washington D.C. And New York, N.Y. Rounded out the finalists.

“Euro Challenge is a national competition for ninth and tenth grade students with participants from across the country. The goal of the summit was to expand the program, and to network and share ideas with educators and representatives from the European Commission. I learned a lot about the history of the European Union and the importance of educating our students about the strong relationship between the United States and the European Union,” said Brennan.

“Euro Challenge helps students learn about current economic issues by challenging them to do a deep dive into how to address an economic issue in a country that uses the Euro. Students hone their research and data analysis skills, learn how to work as a team, and defend their research with a 15-minute oral presentation. The Q&A period is particularly impressive. It’s so amazing to see young students think on their feet to formulate and articulate well-thought-out answers,” she said. “The value of the program is long lasting. Regardless of the career path my team members ultimately choose, they always say that the Euro Challenge was an amazing and valuable part of their high school experience,” said Brennan.

“Our students develop confidence and are empowered as Euro Challenge team members,” said Brennan. “You see them develop their sense of self, particularly in their ability to present an argument and defend their research. The goal is to develop students into critical thinkers and to me that is one of the biggest advantages of participating in the program. As much as it’s nice to be a winning team, the real value is that students learn that they can tackle real-world economic problems and pose solutions that are feasible and realistic. It truly is a win-win for all who are involved!”

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