Perfectly Size Your Pizza for Any Gathering: Tips and Tools for the Perfect Slice

Pizza is a crowd pleaser and you may have gone through many arrangements for a lively party with friends, family, and relatives. One common challenge faced by everyone is to order the right amount of pizza in the right size.

Too much pizza will result in leftovers while a shortage of pizza may disappoint your guest. This blog is going to help you for a better decision in the right amount and ultimately save your hard-earned money and reputation.

The Art of Pizza Sizing

The Art of Pizza Sizing

1.      Consider the Guest List

Start from estimating your visitors of the event or how many guests will be attending. This is the most important for right determination of pizza size in the right quantity.

2.      Understand Appetite Levels

Another consideration for pizza estimation is to predict the hunger level of the guests. The best thing is to check whether pizza is going to serve as a main meal for Breakfast, Dinner, or Lunch or just as a snack in between the main meals.

3.      Factor in the Pizza Size

Pizza size is also an important factor to know. You should know the pizza sizes being offered by pizzerias and their general slices per pizza. Most of the standard sizes are 10 inches, 12 inches, 14 inches, 16 inches, and 18 inches. You may also order for customized size if needed.

4.      Using a Pizza Calculator to Simplify the Process

To take the guesswork out of sizing your pizza order, check out the [Pizza Calculator]( on This handy tool can help you determine the exact number of pizzas you need based on the number of guests, their expected appetite, and the pizza sizes available.

The pizza calculator ( helps you to determine the exact requirements for pizza quantity. It gives you an accurate recommendation upon taking information of hunger level, number of guests, and choice of pizza size.

Tips for Hosting a Pizza Party

Variety is Key

Offer your guests with variety of pizza sizes and styles. Do play with a range of pizza toppings ( to offer different tastes and dietary restrictions.

 Add Side Dishes

You must offer some other dishes complementing the pizza like salads, garlic bread, and some appetizers for a balance meal.

Don’t Forget the Drinks

Make sure to have variety of drinks and beverages available to quench everyone’s thirst.

Include some entertainment part

Guests mostly get bored if there is no entertainment part of the party. You may offer some interesting and yet engaging pizza fun activities for this part. Pizza trivia ( and which pizza tower character are you ( may be offered them for a play.

Enjoy the Moment

With prior planning and preparation of the event, you can focus on enjoying your gathering rather than worrying about food shortage or some other uncertain issue.


Ordering a perfect pizza order should not be a daunting task. By considering your guest list, hunger level and using right tool like Pizza Calculator can ensure a stress free and delicious event treat. Now you may go ahead, plan a pizza party with your friends, community, or family and enjoy every slice. Don’t forget to share your story of pizza party with us and sharing this guideline with your friends and family. Keep on hosting!!!

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